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Application Security

What is XML External Entities (XXE)?

May 28, 2021
Written by
Abhay Bhargav

Security Engineer Interview Questions - What is XML External Entities (XXE)?

Never be caught tongue-tied in an Application Security Engineer Interview. In this video Abhay Bhargav explores the popular Security Engineer Interview question from Glassdoor and Indeed "What is XXE?"

#XXE is a key vulnerability in OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top 10 and is a serious vulnerability that can have devastating impacts against your Web Application or Web Service. XXE can result in Local-File Include, Remote File Include, Remote Code Execution, Server-Side Request Forgery or #SSRF and Denial of Service.

Abhay explores XXE in the form of an offensive and defensive demo directly from AppSecEngineer's Learning Path "Application Security"

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Abhay Bhargav

Abhay Bhargav

Abhay is a speaker and trainer at major industry events including DEF CON, BlackHat, OWASP AppSecUSA. He loves golf (don't get him started).

Abhay Bhargav

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